Memory cleaner download

Memory cleaner download
RAM is the most important component of any computer that is responsible for its speed.
The more RAM, the better the PC behaves when working with a bunch of programs.
And sometimes RAM needs to be cleaned. Preferably regularly.
Why clean the RAM?
It is impossible to answer this question with one sentence.
To begin with, the RAM (even the most voluminous) may not be able to withstand heaps of running programs and the computer will begin to terribly slow down and lag.
The same thing can happen if programs (especially resource-intensive) work constantly in the background.
The RAM simply does not withstand such a load and the swap file starts to work, which is located on a slow hard drive.
Hence the brakes.
So the RAM needs to be cleaned from time to time. And you can do this using the Browser Memory Cleaner.
Browser Memory Cleaner does not unload RAM onto the hard drive, but does free reserved — unused space,
and this in turn frees up memory and performance is not reduced.
